lowongan kerja di rumah
Everyday, we go to our desk and start up our computers. Most of us have
the luxury of having it start up right away and fairly fast. However,
others can go through a very slow and frustrating start-up. This can be
annoying, especially if you need to check something on your computer
quickly, or don't have much time to sit around and wait for it to
begin. After all, time is money!

Automatic program start-ups

common problem that puts a drag on your speed is programs that
automatically start up. A lot of programs installed on your computer
have an option to open when your computer starts up, and a lot of them
have the option selected automatically without you realizing it.

a lot of programs running when your computer starts up is the same
thing as trying to get a hundred people in one door at the same time;
it's very crammed and very slow. So, this will tend to use up youronboard
memory (RAM) when it
could better be served accommodating your operating system.

for the little icons on the lower right hand corner of your screen.
Right click each of these and see if you can select the option to turn
off their automatic start-up function. It is no big deal if these
programs don't open automatically, you can always start these program
from start-all programs, when you need to.

Corrupt registry

cause for a slow computer start-up is problems with the registry. The
registry is the single most important part of your operating system. It
deals with system preferences and hardware and software configuration,
as well. If the registry gets bloated and has corrupted files, this can
be the cause of a slow start-up and a slow computer in general.

Keep in mind; none of this is your fault. Everything you do with your PC changes the state of the registry. The only way you can prevent your registry from getting any corruption of any kind is to not use it. This is, of course, a ridiculous solution.

There are, however, registry cleaners that are made to put your registry back in line after it has been altered. Most of these cleaners offer a free scan, so you will know before you need to purchase one whether or not it is registry corruption slowing you down.

Delete temporary Internet files

There are other possibilities that will slow a computer's start-up. One of these causes is your computer's temporary Internet files. Cleaning these out on a regular basis can speed up your computer. With Internet Explorer 6.0, you would go to the IE window and click tools-delete browsing history and the delete temporary Internet files. This step will save the computer from loading a lot of extra stuff the next time it starts up.

Low on RAM

Another reason for a slow computer start-up is you might not have enough computer memory. Upgrading your computer's memory or RAM is a good thing to do for your computer in general and results in faster speeds and better performance.

However, if your computer has just started to rapidly loose speed, it wouldn't be lack of memory, it is more likely registry corruption. Too little RAM generally, manifests itself after a new program has been added to the computer and the performance suffers when this program is running.

The causes of slow computers start-ups can be a little bit more serious as well. For instance, you could have a virus or your hard drive could be failing. Either one of these things could indicate big problems. Before you become too scared however, it is my experience a hard drive usually starts becoming very noisy when it is on its last legs. Still, you should be aware if this happens and you should scan for viruses regularly.

Of course, there is no need for alarm about either of these things if you back up your files regularly. If you do, you can't be too concerned because restoring your computer will be easy. So... you do back up your files regularly. Right?
Diposting oleh Admin Label:

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