lowongan kerja di rumah
Selasa, 23 September 2008 di 08.13 |  
this is about. . .
what do i have and what can i do for you

there a matter at this world can not at read with logic
may be one of them about you and i
damn !! with him and they

two months ago, my eye speaks about you,
but i order him quiet, he is even also quiet

one month ago, my hand speaks about you
then i am even also order him quiet

two week ago, my idea speaks about you
quiet best for you! ! he is even also quiet..

but, two minutes ago. . .
my heart is that speaks about you. . .
this mean even also must order him quiet ??

although not as big as you conceive
although doesn't such as those which you intended
but in a moment world will know

that taste not will change

Nahhlooo ... bingung gak nge-artiin nya ?? maklum sok2an bisa English, jadi agak
beribet alias Ngejelimet gitu dehh... hehehehe ...
Sory yah buat yang punya bahasa, bahasanya gw acak2 ...
Tadinya sih mau pake bahasa yang mudah dimengerti semua orang ( bahasa dengan mengge-
rakkan kedua tangan di barengi dengan suara mulut .. Aaa .. UUuu.. Aauuooo )

Diposting oleh Admin

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